From day one to tomorrow

Where it all started

A group of friends started a car community in Finland back in 2008. Mainly back then everything revolved around the new stance movement, that made its appearance slowly in Finnish car scene. Fast forward to 2015, Niko & Antti took responsibility of this community, rebranded it to CDLC.CO (short from Creme De La Creme Community) and started to create modern events, quality apparel and active social media around the community.

from the love towards

the motoring culture

Everything we do, simply comes from the enthusiasm and love towards cars and the culture around it.

Where we are now

Today we host Finland’s Finest car events and we create apparel that lasts in a harsh use but also makes you stand out. We also post daily social media content of the best builds in Finland and in neighbouring countries, and last but not least, we push the Finnish car scene forward daily. We believe in a simple idea of having fun around vehicles, and that there is not a right way to do these things, but there is a proper way. These days, we do everything by our solid team of four guys, who do it for the love towards the motoring culture.

In the early days

We designed and handprinted our apparels by ourselves. These days we still create our own designs, but we have a professional shop doing the printwork. For keeping the quality up, our shirts are still silk screen printed, like in the start.

Apparel to the car people

We felt the Finnish car community was lacking proper clothing. Our goal from the start was to create credible apparel, that every enthusiast would love to wear proud. Every piece of apparel is something we would love to wear ourselves.

Shop apparel

Meetings & Shows

From parking lot meetings to bigger shows, our aim is to bring together the enthusiasts to enjoy their and others cars. We always aim to provide a versatile meeting with a chill atmosphere.

Event calendar


Is our fleet of special vehicles. The Convoy Garage is a group of five vehicles; MURDRD bus, HAULR car transporter, Death Low Impala, "MK20" VW Golf and a Honda Ruckus. All black, all awesome.

More about cdlc.convoy

Fitted Fest

Our main event is Fitted Fest, where we handpick around 150 show cars and on top of that we have a open car enthusiast drive-in parking. If you have a car that respects the modern car culture values and stands out, you'll most likely get contacted to join us.


At events, you'll find our latest apparels and accessories from our mobile shop, the MURDRD bus. The bus is equipped with the basic necessities, such as a roof terrace, beds, kitchen and sauna.

More about the bus at cdlc.convoy IG account.

modern motoring culture

Our aim is to provide a community, where enjoying car culture is in the very center. We strongly believe there is not a right way to build your car, but there is a proper one.

From Finland to the world

One of our latest events, the Fitted Fest '22, was featured in Speedhunters by Vladimir Ljadov.

Read the article

Where we are going

Our HQ is located in Turku, Finland, where you will find our shop and CDLC Convoy Garage. You know, the one with the MURDRD bus, HAULR car transporter, the DEATH LOW lowrider, "MK20" VW Golf and the RCKS scooter. If you want to come for a brew and share thoughts about the scene, please let us know and we will put a fresh pot of coffee on.

We're also opening the season at this address with our "Street's Closed Pizza Boy" event. The first one was a success and the next one will be bigger and better.

-Guys behind the CDLC.CO movement-